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Articles are between 3.500 and 8.000 words in length, notes included. Submissions exceeding this limit cannot be accepted. Also, a summary in Spanish and English, and key words are required. Body size 12 and space 1.5, footnotes at 11. Text pages unnumbered.

 Polytonic Greek; transliterated words or words from other languages, in italics. At the end of the article and in alphabetical order, a section of Cited Works. Quotations of more than three lines stand in the body of the article, with indented margins on both sides, without quotation marks.  Notes are at the foot of the page. Short quotes, highlighted single words, etc., in double quotes. No boldface.

Title of the article in straight capital letters, size 12, centered. Under the title, centered, name of the author, institution (if any), e-mail. Subtitles in simple letters, centered and in italics. Indented paragraph starts.

Articles: in Works Cited, surname and author’s name, followed by year: Meis, Anneliese (1999). Title in straight lines and quotation marks: “The paradox of ἐξαίφνης, according to Maximus the Confessor, Th. Ec. I 17-18”. Publication, in italics, and pages: ΔΙΑΔΟΧΗ 2, 75-94.

Rest of article: Meis (1999) 76.

Nicholas Denyer (2001)

Plato Alcibiades

Collective publications: (Works Cited) surname and author’s name, followed by year and pages: O’Daly, Gerard (2007 -2001-) 159-170. Title of the article or chapter in a straight line, quotation marks: “The response to skepticism and the mechanisms of cognition”. Title of the work in italics: The Cambridge Companion to Augustine. The editors: E. Stump / N. Kretzmann (Editors). Editorial City: Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.

Rest of article: O’Daly (2007) 168.

The languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese, French, Italian, German.

Guest contributor articles. A reviewer appointed by the Journal will collaborate in common agreement with the author to prepare the final review, and to make any corrections deemed necessary. The reviewer does not decide on the publication of the article, but, together with the author, ensures that the article will comply with the norms and standards of the publication. The reviewer prepares a brief report of his work to the council. According to our estimates, the first issues (the first of which is expected to be published during the first half of 2022) will be largely the result of these collaborations.

In the not too distant future, the Review will be prepared to receive unsolicited contributions as well, which will be subject to an arbitration process not yet decided.

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